Is that OK to use iPone or iPod in the SAUNA?

I always think if it is OK to use iPone, iPod, or any other devices in the sauna.
I actually often see that many people use them there.
For me, it seems to be really bad to use the electric audio devices in such a hot place.
It is not just hot, but super overheat……

Where can I ask this kind of question? I didn’t take any action so far, but I decided to post my question in some expert forum about audio device technology.

I found one forum page which is called

First, I googled my question, but it seems to be a bit difficult.
Not really difficult, but it may take a bit time to find a right answer. is a website which people visit to discuss Audio Visual home consumer electronics.
I guess my question is related to audio, right?
Why not I can post my question over there about audio then…?

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